There are many styles of finished cabinet looks. From traditional face frame cabinets, to frameless European style, the inset look can add great detail to your next kitchen remodel. There are a few ways to achieve this depending on your budget and cabinet type.

Inset face frame cabinets are beautiful and built with a high grade of precision. These types of cabinets are typically custom-made and tailored to the space. Some manufacturer make them as well.

The inset look can also be achieved using frameless cabinets for a more modern, and clean look. The inset will be using 3/4” panels & trim vs 1 1/2” hardwood face frame like traditional cabinets. In order to achieve this look using frameless cabinets, the finishing side panels, crown, valance, and overall trim must be slightly oversized in order to achieve a flush look with 3/4” spacing. The doors and drawers will finish in the same line with the panels and trim.

Another way to achieve the inset face frame look using frameless cabinets is to space the cabinets 1 1/2” to achieve the look of faceframe inset cabinets when jointing together. Ive done this many times with great results.

Notice the bookcase below. This was built using frameless cabinets.

by Zarate Design & Build

Custom frameless cabinets with 1 1/2"” inset face frame detail.

Inset finish with European style frameless cabinets using oversized 3/4” panels (Semihandmade Fronts)